To learn about her readership and impact I believe Ms. Cohen should aligning her column with the Web 2.0 momentum and perhaps consider:
- Opening a Facebook account so empowered patients can learn about her life and column at CNN.
- Opening a Twitter account to send updates on how the columns are evolving.
- Letting fans write a chapter of Elizabeth's new book on smart patients, following the example of Freakonomics.
- Developing an open, user friendly, web platform where the readership can:
- See a list of topics currently in production.
- Suggest new topics for the column.
- Rate the topics according to preference and priority.
- Delete topics not of interest to empowered patients.
- Recommend sources of information, search engines, blogs.
- Connect with other fellow empowered patients and create a community.
- 5 things you need to know if you are going to self-medicate.
- Who should think about a 'living-will'?
- Myths and misconceptions about organ donation.
- How to talk about death with your loved ones?
- Superbugs and the problem with antibiotics.
- Why are we still talking about washing hands in the 21st century?
- The obnoxious patient (part 2): when being "too-good" of an empowered patient may put you at risk.
- Finding a Doctor 2.0.
- 5 Mistakes to avoid while using Email or the Phone with your doctor.
- Are Electronic Personal Health Records something you need?
- How to benefit from like-patient social networks?
- Finding reliable health information that matters to you: How to set up an RSS reader.
Carlos Rizo